Bachelor of Science in International Relations

Equipping the current and future leaders with the skills to thrive in the ever- evolving global landscape. Our programme explores interactions among states and non-state actors, covering traditional issues like war and trade, as well as non-traditional topics like human rights and global development. With experienced faculty and rigorous research opportunities, our students gain expertise in critical analysis and research methods.

Program Details & Curriculum

Program Duration

4 years (8 Semester)

Credit Hours

136 Cr. Hrs.

Core Courses
Semester 1
HUM111Functional English3
IR101Personal Development3
CSC111Introduction to International Relations3
HMT302Introduction to Computer Science3
ASC100Introduction to Psychology3
Total Cr. Hr.18
Semester 2
HS103Pakistan Studies3
HS102Islamic Studies3
HUM231Communication Skills3
ASC100Introduction to Math3
Total Cr. Hr.18
Semester 3
HUM121Academic and Professional Writing3
HUM232Ethics and Social Responsibility3
SSC231World History3
IR201Modern History of International Relations3
MGT201Principles of Management3
Total Cr. Hr.18
Semester 4
DS132Introduction to Statistics3
IR480International Law3
HUM241World Literature3
HUM233Introduction to Philosophy & Critical Thinking3
BUS361Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
Total Cr. Hr.18
Semester 5
DS330International Political Economy3
IR103Introduction to Political Science3
HMT401Research Methods & Skills3
Total Cr. Hr.18
Semester 6
IR342Global Security3
IR234Foreign Policy of Pakistan3
MDS112Introduction to Social Media3
FHA131History of Art3
Total Cr. Hr.18
Semester 7
IR338Global Development, Human Rights and IR3
BUS122Fundamentals of Marketing3
MDS111Introduction to Mass Communication3
IR320Women and Politics3
Total Cr. Hr.15
Semester 7
Total Cr. Hr.15