Bachelor of Science in Development Studies

Structure of BSDS
Category CrHr
University / General Requirement 33
Supporting Courses (Departmental Requirements) 18
Compulsory (Core) credits 18
Research/Projects or 6 credit hours from electives 6
Free Elective 6
Electives 51
Total 132

General Education
Code Course Title CrHr
ACS100 Basic Mathematics 3
CSC100 Computer Application-Lab 3
HMT101 English 1 3
HMT102 English 2 3
HMT105 Pakistan and Islamic Studies 3
MGT201 Principles of Management 3
ACT211 Principles of Accounting 3
HMT301 Sociology 3
HMT02 Psychology 3
HMT311 Language Proficiency 3
HMT401 Research Methods and Skills 3

Total 33

Supporting Courses
Code Course Title CrHr
DS130 Microeconomics 3
DS131 Macroeconomics 3
DS 132 Introduction to Statistics 3
DS140 Introduction to International Relations 3
DS 254 Contemporary Social Issues 3
DS330 Introduction to Development Economics 3

Total 18

Compulsory Core
Code Course Title CrHr
DS100 Introduction to Development Studies 3
DS103 Theories of Development 3
DS220 Women and Development 3
DS230 International Political Economy 3
DS311 Development Project: Planning and Implementation 3
DS400 Poverty Alleviation Issues, Debates & StrategiesLaw 3

Total 18

Research & Projects
Code Course Title CrHr
DS455 Research Project I & II (P1 + P2) (on case by case
basis) or 6 credit hours of electives

Thesis of 9 credit hours can be taken instead of P1 & P2

Total 6

Elective Courses
Code Course Title
DS101 Introduction to Environmental Science
DS102 Issues in Sustainable Development
DS105 Sociology of Development
DS106 History of Development
DS108 Human Resource: Development & Management
DS109 Democracy and Development
DS122 Women, Culture & Politics
DS155 Contemporary Issues in Islam
DS160 Introduction to Political Science
DS164 World History
DS171 Foreign Policy of Pakistan
DS202 Rural Development- Issues and Perspectives
DS205 Community Development: Basic Issues & Strategies
DS206 Urban Development- Issues and Perspectives
DS207 Globalization & Development
DS210 Governance and Development
DS211 Development Planning: Issues & Perspectives
DS231 International Trade
DS233 Economic issues in Dev Countries
DS241 Conflict & Conflict Resolution
DS242 International & regional Organizations
DS243 Foreign Policy Analysis
DS250 Foundations of Social Science
DS252 Social Development: Issues, Debates & Experiments
DS255 Rural Sociology
DS260 Religion, Politics & Development
DS261 Political Development: Issues & Perspectives
DS265 International Environmental Politics
DS305 Globalization & Developing Countries
DS311 Development Project: Planning, Implementation & Mgt
DS321 Gender Issues: rural & urban contexts
DS331 Statistical Tools for Social Sciences
DS332 Econometrics
DS334 Comparative Economic Systems
DS335 International Economics
DS340 Modern History of International Relations
DS345 Foreign Policy of Dev. Countries
DS350 Social & Political Movements
DS360 Politics of Developing Countries
DS402 Developing Countries & Governance Issues
DS403 Comparative Development
DS406 Development Aid: Theory & Practice
DS410 Global Environmental Governance
DS413 Project Appraisal & Evaluation
DS430 W.T.O. & Developing Countries
DS440 Global Security in the Post-Cold War Era
DS470 American Foreign Policy
DS480 International Law
DS483 International Human Rights Law