A Message from the Founding Chancellor

I feel great pleasure to welcome you at IU. I am glad that for your higher education and professional growth you have selected IU, which is a learning-oriented, challenging and rewarding centre of excellence. I believe that you will have your dreams of academic eminence come true at IU and always cherish your decision of joining this institution as one of the best decisions of your life.

The curricula designed at IU are comprehensive and modern conceptually and structurally. The courses have been designed and standardized by our very capable and highly qualified faculty members keeping in view the patterns followed at the most prestigious colleges and universities in the world.

Amongst private universities IU has the largest pool of permanent faculty members–125 to be specific– and the largest number of teachers with doctoral degrees. IU also has the honor of attracting a lot of foreign-qualified teachers to join IU and feel creative and comfortable as IU academics. Because of this large number of permanent faculty, IU’s reliance on visiting teachers is minimal and around 60 highly qualified and experienced visiting faculty members work on its main campus.

All faculty members make themselves available for counseling and guidance to the students and through their quick feedback and speedy announcements of results, a fast track semester system of education becomes a thrilling educational and learning experience for young minds.

Being aware of the fact that the 21st Century is an era of high technology is extremely crucial these days and we at IU are conscious that the knowledge of advanced computer and technology is the key to success in the modern, globalized world. We provide the facilities in our computer labs to enhance the acumen of our students to the utmost extent so that we can condition their success in courses with their skills in technological tools of today’s world.

Significant amongst other facilities are the Recreational and Sports Complex and the Executive Development Center. RSC provides state-of-the-art equipment for physical well-being and EDC provides in-house training as well as training with the corporate sector giving students a chance to meet and get guidance from the successful entrepreneurs.

I would like to suggest to each of you to take full advantage of all the facilities available for your benefit and make your years at IU the most useful, pleasant and memorable time of your life.

Once again, welcome to IUIC.