Master of Business Administration

Mission Statement of Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

To transform the students into global business leaders by empowering them ethically with business knowledge. The MBA program emphasizes the application of analytical tools and related skills that are essential for making informed business decisions. The program fosters excellence, creativity and innovation through a responsive, dynamic, challenging and culturally diverse learning environment, with a focus on empirical and applied learning and research.


Master of Business Administration is one of the most popular and recognized postgraduate qualifications in general business management. The diverse structure of this higher-level program reflects the strong integration of the University and the corporate sector, where every single course has been shaped and reshaped to cater for the present and future business needs. It offers considerable options to students, thereby adequately preparing them for a variety of careers in both the public and private sectors. The specialization courses allow students to focus on the functional areas of their choice and seek broader knowledge in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Project Management, Banking and Hospitality Management. Each MBA course has industry-integrated projects, case studies, and workshops supervised through the faculty, which represents the top corporate heads and experts of relevant areas. Thus our graduates are well prepared to deal effectively with complex and ever-changing business environment.

Duration and Total Number of Credit Hours for various MBA Streams

Category Duration Detail
A Students who have completed BBA will be required to complete 36 credit hours for MBA degree. from BBA Stream – leads to MBA
B BS(Commerce),B.Com(4 years) M.Com, MPA, MAS and for ICMA/CA/ACCA equivalent degree will require 54
CrHr to complete their MBA degree.
from BS(Commerce),B.Com(4 years) M.Com, MPA, MAS stream leads to MBA
C 04 Years program other than Business such as B.E, MBBS
etc will require to complete a minimum of 72 CrHr to
complete their MBA degree.
04 year Degree other than Business Leads to MBA

Category A

Semester Plan

  • Semester 1
Code Type Course Title CrHr Pre-Requisite
ECO551 Core Managerial Economics 3 
N/A N/A Specialization-I 3 
FIN612 Core Financial Strategy & Policy 3 
ASC661 Core Quantitative Research Methods 3 
    Total 12 
  • Semester 2
Code Type Course Title CrHr Pre-Requisite
N/A N/A Specialization-II 3 
ASC662 Core Qualitative Research Methods 3 Quantitative Research Methods
MGT641 Core Strategic Management 3 
N/A Core Specialization-III 3 
    Total 12 
  • Semester 3
Code Type Course Title CrHr Pre-Requisite
MGT508 Core Leadership 3  
N/A   Specialization-IV 3  
BUS711 Core Project Proposal 6 Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
    Total 12  
  • Semester 4
CodeType Course Title CrHr Pre-Requisite
BUS712CoreProject Defence3 Project Proposal
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
  • Project is optional, students can take two more courses(six credit hours) to complete their degree rpogam

Category B
BS(Commerce), B.Com(4 years), M.Com, MPA, MAS and for ICMA /CA /ACCA equivalent degree from a recognized university/institute): Students will require to take up 54 CrHr to complete their MBA degree from Iqra University.

Semester Plan

  • Semester 1
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
SCM521 Core Supply Chain Management  
IFN431 Core Islamic Banking & Applied Finance  
ASC361 Core Business Maths And Statistics  
  • Semester 2
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
ASC461 Core Statistical Inference For Managers Business Maths and Statistics
HUM232 UM Ethics & Social Responsibility
HMT412 Core Managerial Communications
  • Semester 3
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
ECO551 Core Managerial Economics 
    Specialization-I As per Major
FIN612 Core Financial Strategy & Policy  
ASC661 Core Quantitative Research Methods Business Maths and Statistics
Statistical Inference for Managers
  • Semester 4
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
    Specialization-II As per Major
ASC662 Core Qualitative Research Methods Business Maths & Statistics
Statistical Inference For Managers
Quantitative Research Methods
MGT641 Core Strategic Management Supply Chain Management
Financial Strategy & Policy
  Core Specialization-III As per Major
  • Semester 5
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
MGT508 Core Leadership Ethics & Social Responsibility
  Core Specialization-IV As per major
BUS711 Core Project Proposal Business Maths and Statistics
Statistical Inference for Managers
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
  • Semester 6
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
BUS712 Core Project Defense Project Proposal
Business Maths and Statistics
Statistical Inference for Managers
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
* Project is Optional, Students can take two more courses (six credit hours) to complete their degree program

Category C
04 Years degree either than Business such as B.E, MBBS etc will require to complete a minimum of 72 CrHr to complete their MBA degree. Category C students will start from 2nd Semester.

Semester Plan
Note: Students are required to take four courses from the following list in the first semester after consultation with the Department.

  • Semester 1
Code Type Course title Pre-Requisite
ACT401 Core Accounting for Managers  
ECO441 Core Business Economics  
MGT301 Core Managerial Rolein Organization  
MKT313 Core Marketing for Managers  
  • Semester 2
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
ASC461 Core Statistical Inference for Managers  
FIN401 Core Finance for Managers Accounting for Managers
MGT523 Core Human Resourse Management Managerial Role in Organization
IFN431 Core Islamic Banking & Applied Finance Accounting for Managers
Managerial Role in Organization
Business Economics
  • Semester 3
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
MGT434 Core Enterpreneurship Marketing for Managers
Accounting for Managers
Managerial Role in Organization
MKT511 Core Consumer Behavior & Marketing Strategy Marketing for Managers
ACT431 Core Cost and Management Accounting Accounting for Managers
SCM521 Core Supply Chain Management Marketing for Managers
Managerial Role in Organization
Accounting for Managers
  • Semester 4
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
    Specialization-I As per Major
MGT508 Core Leadership Managerial Role in Organization
Human Resource Management
ECO551 Core Managerial Economics & Policy Business Economics
ASC661 Core Quantitative Research Methods Statisticial Inference for Managers
  • Semester 5
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
FIN612 Core Financial Strategy & Policy Accounting for Managers
Finance for Managers
ASC662 Core Qualitative Research Methods Statisticial Inference for Managers
Quantitative Research Methods
  • Semester 6
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
BUS711 Core Project Proposal Statisticial Inference for Managers
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
MGT641 Core Strategic Management Enterpreneurship
Supply Chain Management
Accounting for Managers
Finance for Managers
Financial Strategy & Policy
Managerial Role in Organization
Human Resource Management
Marketing for Managers
Consumer Behavior & Marketing Strategy
  Core Specialization-III As per Managers
  Core Specialization-IV As per Managers
  • Semester 7
Code Type Course Title Pre-Requisite
BUS712 Core Project Defense Project Proposal
Statisticial Inference for Managers
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
  • Specialization

Finance Specialization

Code Course Title
FIN501 Corporate Finance
FIN502 Working Capital Management
FIN503 Taxation Management
FIN504 Companies Law
FIN505 Treasury & Fund Management
FIN506 Security Analysis
FIN507 Project Evaluation
FIN511 Analysis of Financial Statement
FIN643 Portfolio Management
FIN531 International Finance
FIN563 Investment Banking

Marketing Specialization

Code Course Title
MKT501 Advertising
MKT502 Sales Management
MKT503 Brand Management
MKT504 Services Marketing
MKT506 Strategic Marketing
MKT507 International Marketing
MKT511 Consumer Behavior
MKT512 Internet Marketing
MKT571 New Product Development
MKT603 Retail Marketing

HR Specialization

Code Course Title
MGT501 Recruitment & Selection
MGT502 Industrial Relations
MGT503 Organizational Development
MGT504 Training & Development
MGT505 Compensation Management
MGT506 Strategic Human Resource Management
MGT507 Performance Management
MGT509 Human Resource Development
MGT511 Organizational Theory & Design
MGT583 Human Resource Laws
MGT584 Motivation & Reward Management
MGT585 Strategic Leadership
MGT586 Human Resource Information System
MGT623 Advance Organizational Development

Hospitality Management

Code Course Title
HOM501 Hospitality Marketing Management for Services
HOM502 Hospitality & Human Resources Management
HOM503 Competitive Strategies Hospitality Industry
HOM504 Customer Relationship Management
HOM505 Hotel Operations

Project Management Specialization

Code Course Title
PM501 Frame Work Standard & Time Management
PM502 Quality Scope & Human Resource Management
PM503 Integration Procurement & Risk Management
PM504 Monitoring Evaluation & Cost Management
PM506 Project Communication and Stakeholder Management
PM507 Project Portfolio Management
PM508 Advance Project Management
PM509 Project Appraisal
PM510 Soft Project Management

Supply Chain Management Specialization

Code Course Title
SCM631 Procurement and Sourcing
SCM604 Strategic Logistics Management
SCM542 Distribution and Channels Management
SCM622 SCM Technology and Applications
SCM543 Quality Management in Supply Chain
SCM544 Global Supply Chain Management
SCM545 Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, & the Replenishment

Management Information System (MIS)

Code Course Title
INF501 Data Communication and Networking
INF502 Software Development Methodologies
INF505 E-Commerce Strategies
INF503 Visual Programming Tools MT
INF504 Technology Management
INF506 Internet Development Technologies
INF507 Oracle IT
INF508 Information Security, Audit& Control

Technology Management

Code Course Title
TM501 Principles of Technology Management
TM502 Managing New Product Development and R & D
TM503 Technology Forecasting and Assessment
TM504 International Marketing of Technology