PhD in Business Administration

The Ph.D. programme emphasizes the importance of research as evidence of an individual’s ability to conceptualize, conduct, and communicate research effectively. Quality research addresses significant problems within the chosen field of study and contributes meaningfully to the profession’s theory or practice. Our programme is designed to create highly qualified human resources in the fi ld of management sciences, fostering intellectual development in both educational and industrial sectors. Through practical solutions, our scholars aim to address social, economic, and managerial challenges faced by our nation, bridging the gap between educational institutes and industries to generate valuable insights for overcoming current crises.

Program Details & Curriculum

Program Duration

2 years (6 Semester)

Credit Hours

36 Cr Hr

TitleCr Hrs
Semester 1
Philosophy of Social Thought3
Advanced Statistical Modeling3
Semester 2
Advanced Qualitative Research3
Concentration 13
Semester 3
Concentration 23
Concentration 33
Semester 4,5,6